The Joys of having CF

The Joys of having CF

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hospital Day 4-Being discharges???

So today(Wednesday) makes Day 4 in the hospital. Today the plan got changed quite a bit. They(the dr, and residents) decided that because I was making good progress with the IV antibiotics, that we should continue them for 1+ weeks. So that meant today I got a PICC line(will post pictures later). So, at 2:30 today I was taken down for my PICC line. It went GREAT!!! no problems, and everything happend on the first try. and this is the FIRST TIME EVER that I DON'T have stitches with my PICC line. Instead they used some kind of clamp. I am very happy and impressed. Sooo with all that said, i'm starting to feel better, no pain, I am GOING HOME tomorrow(Thursday). Woohoo!!! So this will probably be my last blog post from the hospital. For updates; check my fb accout, as I should post some. I will post pictures when I'm able to of my PICC. I am very impressed with this hospital stay because with my first IV, my 2 blood draws, and my PICC everything happend on the first try for everything!! woohoo. Will update later. Thanks for all the texts, and messages. It means a lot. Love you all. ~God Bless

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