The Joys of having CF

The Joys of having CF

Sunday, June 6, 2010

My Future with CF

I want to start by saying I LOVE CF--Now, I'm one of those people that thinks about my future a-lot. I think about where I'm going to live, what kind of house I'm going to have, where & what my wedding will be like, how many kids will I have, but I think mostly of how my life with CF will be. Now, the way I see some of my life going is; We all know that in 2-5 years there's probably the cure(the drug just has to go through testing-and I pray & am almost positive it will be the cure), and with that happening my life will change TRAMENDOUSLY, I mean, I won't have to do my vest treatments so many times a day. Maybe once a day, I may still have to take my pills when I eat, and I will have to take the extra "cure" drug--but that's a price I'm willing to take to have the cure for CF, and I think it's amazing that I'm going to be alive and to actually be able to say, "I remember when they found the cure for CF". I think about once the cure comes, if a mother whose pregnant founds out that their child has CF, if they take the "cure" will the baby never have to deal with anything?(because when the mother is pregnant with a child who has CF, the pancrease of the child already starts being damaged as it developes in the mother) Those are the types of questions I ask myself. I believe that these next few years are the years of "Miracles". I believe that God has chosen these next few years to be miraculous years for people with CF, and I pray everyday for the cure for CF. I see a GREAT and BRIGHT future with people who have CF, and I see everybody who has CF living a VERY long life. I believe that CF has made me a stronger person, and I believe that I have CF because I believe that God chose me to be one of the special people to have CF because he new I could handle it, because remember *God never gives us more than we can handle* and I believe that is so true, and I believe that each and every person who has CF is a blessing from God and is here on this earth for a special reason and I believe that we are special to God. I would LOVE to hear what you think your future with CF would be like.

Remember: *God never gives us more than we can handle*, and *Everything happens for a reason*